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世界公民峰會是由世界公民組織(World Citizen Organization)於2001年創立的年度盛事,旨在聚合來自世界各地的公民社會代表、學者專家、政府官員和企業領袖,共同討論全球面臨的重大挑戰和機遇,並提出解決方案。


Diego Luna的精彩演講

在2019年墨西哥舉辦的世界公民峰會上,墨西哥著名影星Diego Luna也應邀出席並發表了精彩的演講。作為聯合國難民署親善大使,Luna 深切關心難民議題,他在演講中分享了他對於難民困境的深刻感受,呼籲國際社會加強對難民的幫助和支持。

Luna 的演講充滿激情與感染力,他的真誠和熱情打动了在場的每一个人。他強調了每個人都有責任為創造一個更加公正和人道的世界而努力,並呼籲大家共同行動,為難民提供更安全、更尊嚴的生活環境。




Diego Luna: championing refugees and Mexican culture

Diego Luna, known for his roles in films like “Y Tu Mamá También” and “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story”, has emerged as a powerful voice for refugees. His commitment to humanitarian work stems from a deep understanding of social injustice and inequality. As a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, Luna actively advocates for the rights and well-being of displaced children and families around the world.

His involvement in the 18th World Citizen Summit further solidified his reputation as a compassionate leader who is committed to making a difference.

Mexico: A Hub for Global Dialogue

Choosing Mexico as the host country for the summit was a strategic decision that aimed to highlight the nation’s rich cultural heritage and its growing role on the global stage.

Theme: Discussion Points:
Human Rights and Social Justice Addressing systemic inequalities, promoting inclusivity and diversity, combating discrimination.
Environmental Sustainability Climate change mitigation, sustainable development practices, conservation efforts.

| Economic Development and Globalization | Fair trade practices, international cooperation, fostering innovation and entrepreneurship. |

Mexico’s vibrant culture, diverse population, and historical significance made it an ideal setting for a summit that sought to bridge cultural divides and foster global understanding. The event showcased Mexico’s commitment to social justice, environmental sustainability, and economic development, demonstrating its ability to play a leading role in addressing global challenges.

The success of the 18th World Citizen Summit in Mexico underscored the power of international collaboration and the importance of engaging diverse perspectives in tackling complex global issues. It served as a reminder that solutions can emerge from unexpected places and that even seemingly small events can have a profound impact on the world.